I'm a senior at Saint Michael's College in Vermont, majoring in Media Studies with a minor in Environmental Studies. My professional career includes being the executive editor for the Defender, the award winning publication of St. Michael's College, as well as the media intern for the Green Mountain Club. While most of these images are from personal trips, some are from trips I've led as an instructor for the St. Mike's Adventure Sports Center, where I am also the social media coordinator (@smcadventure)

I can be reached at mheller@mail.smcvt.edu (860)-856-1875, and on Instagram @mattheller24
Why photography?
A photo captured in the right moment is the best window to the memory of that moment, and a catalyst to experience a similar feeling again. My love for natural landscapes keeps pushing me to experience them at different times in different ways.

Placing yourself in the right moment
Sure, photography requires some technical knowledge in order to utilize the camera to its best ability. However, the essence of photography is much larger than the ability to understand the camera. It lies in the understanding of the world around you. Personally, I believe the best pictures are taken when little time is spent fidgeting with the camera and more time is spent placing yourself in that landscape and learning how to live in that moment. It can be hard, especially when the moment in time is quite miserable. That's called type 2 fun, when the enjoyment and appreciation comes after the fact. It can suck to pull out a camera when its pouring rain or finger-freezing cold, but the knowledge that the time and place will soon be cherished is a driving force to push further in the environment.

Final thoughts
Asides from truly enjoying the times when I get to be outside and immersed in the landscape, I hope my photos can serve as a tool of motivation for others to partake in similar activities. Additionally, I hope these shots, especially those that show little human interference, can help to protect these places so they can be enjoyed forever, naturally. 

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